ZythMC Survival Announcement & Release
ZythMC Survival is our best game mode yet, with fun features such as Envoys, Warp PVP, etc! Build the best base, become the richest player, or chill with others on ZythMC Survival
ZythMC Survival Announcement & Release
ZythMC Survival is our best game mode yet, with fun features such as Envoys, Warp PVP, etc! Build the best base, become the richest player, or chill with others on ZythMC Survival
Factions Change Logs 1.1.2
Brought back the Top deaths leaderboard at spawn
Added Vote crates at spawn (Behind the top deaths leaderboard)
Changed upgrade prices for Harvest Hoe
Dropped Harvest Hoe price down to 25k in the shop
Removed Music disc from shop
Switched factions to a more stable spigot for better performance and exploit fixes
Removed Plugins that weren't being used
Made /wild better (Teleports farther)
Dropped ender pearl cooldown to 10 seconds instead of 15 seconds
Made it so players can no longer run into spawn safezone when in combat (they get launched back)
Made combat tag last 20 seconds instead of 15 seconds...
Downtime is lifted, and One block is released!
We will be updating OneBlock regularly to fix issues that will inevitably popup.
If you encounter any bugs or issues, please contact me or Zythalopagus. You will be given a cash reward in OneBlock.
We hope you guys enjoy OneBlock! To find more info, refer to the OneBlock announcement in the discord.
We've delayed the release of OneBlock from April 5th @ 6:00PM EST to April 5th @ 10:00PM EST to allow Rimm and I to finish features and polish the experience.
We apologise for these delays, but we think this delay is necessary to deliver an optimal experience at launch.
ZythMC OneBlock Announcement
ZythMC OneBlock is an engaging game mode similar to SkyBlock, with the twist of only spawning on a single block. To progress, you must mine the block below you to expand your island, make vast riches, and become the #1 island.
The block you get will depend on what phase you're...
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Version: 1.8-1.20
IP: mc.zyth.me
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